Mon, Nov 16: Jaipur

Today seems to be primarily a shopping day. Every drive through the city seems to take us through another area with more interesting buildings and lots of traffic.

Our first stop was the Shri Degamber Jain temple.

From there we went to the Blue Pottery place where we saw several craft exhibitions.  The first was the hand stamping of printed fabrics.  Each design has a stamp for each color and they are added by hand, one color at a time. 

Then we saw the pottery making process.  It is a slow and labor intensive and many stepped process with some of the pieces made from molds...

and others being hand-thrown using potter's wheels.

And then the pieces were hand painted.

Of course, the next stop had to be the shop where we could buy fabric and pottery.  Fun time had by all except probably Paul (who had quickly stepped out of the fabric shop because of the fumes, but did enjoy seeing the pottery made).

We then walked through the main part of town and to a busy square full of people and shops.

Cobra in a basket.

From there we went to the Hawa Mahal, a small palace in the middle of town that was built in the mid 1700’s.  It looked much like a pink wedding cake on the outside.

We climbed up to one of the highest balconies and had great views of the building features and courtyards.

As with so many of the other similar buildings we have seen it had lovely detailing and art throughout. 

The views from the balconies included a view of the observatory that we visited the day before...

good views of the surrounding area and details of the Haveli...

A view of Mubarak Mahal, the City Palace:
and a birds eye view of the city traffic jam.


The last visit of the day was the Mubarak Mahal (known as the city palace), another residence of the maharaja and now a museum.

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