Thu, Oct 29: Manali to Dharamsala

Today was a very long drive from Manali to Dharamsala, home of the Dalai Lama (but we did not have an audience with him).  The scenery was beautiful but hard to see as the haze and smog stuck with us the entire way.

We saw a mini-procession of men carrying a local god on a palanquin.  They were taking it somewhere as part of the Dusshera festival.

The drive took us through some small villages with colorful shops and more cows.

And there were the usual interesting sights and people and livestock along the road.

We are staying at the Hotel Chonor which is very close to the Dalai Lama's compound and is supposedly used by all dignitaries that visit the Dalai Lama (apparently Richard Gere stayed here).  The décor is very Tibetan.

At dinner we visited with two couples from the UK that were traveling approximately the same route as we were, although one was traveling it in reverse.  They were fun to talk to and they both had nice stories about their travels in India.

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