Thu, Nov 5: Delhi

First event today was someone ringing our doorbell at 7:38am (sigh).  Paul couldn’t figure out what he was saying and sent him on his way.  We both went back to sleep and didn’t get up until 9:00.  We have nothing on the schedule today as we wanted to have a few rest days scattered about the itinerary.  We are hoping to not get sick due to exhaustion.

When we went down to breakfast we discovered that it had rained the night before.  The clouds are still pretty overcast and we think a major part of it is still smog. 

When we left the room there was a guard in the hall just outside of our room.  Our first assumption was that he was patrolling the floor.  However, we later discovered that a committee from the World Bank was meeting at the hotel (two guards outside their meeting room) and we are assuming that the guard was for one of the World Bank VIPs. 

We didn’t leave the hotel today but relaxed in the room and worked on pictures…thousands of pictures.

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