Wed, Dec 2: Kahna to jabalpur to Delhi to home

Today will be a very long day.  We were up at six, breakfast at seven, on the road by eight.  We arrived at the Jabalpur airport with plenty of time to spare, especially since it was about a half hour late leaving for Delhi.

When we arrived at the Delhi airport we had to wait a while for our ride to our hotel.  We were only at the hotel for about four hours.  We showered, changed cloths and repacked our stuff.  We had lots of souvenirs and gifts to lug back.  The bags were pretty full.

While waiting in the lobby for our ride we met one of Tara’s other clients who had just returned from a trip to the Sunderbund area of India with Tara.  We found out that his name was Daniel Griffith (Mary has a brother Dan Griffiths) and that Daniel was from Colusa CA.  Since Mary is from Colusa IL we all had a laugh about being neighbors.  Daniel is a rice and walnut farmer. 

The Delhi airport is a trip in itself.  We did customs, and then security, stopped at a lounge to rest before the flight and then went to the gate where they again required us to go through security screening.  They also confiscated our water bottles that we had picked up at the airport inside the first security checkpoint.  Sort of odd in our books.  However, when in India…  The flight was slightly delayed until they could get the reading lights to work but after that the flight to Newark went smoothly.

We got home 44 hours after we got up that morning.

An exhausting day, but totally worth it for the trip.

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