Wed, Nov 11: Delhi

Today is the start of Tara’s hosted, official Four Festivals tour.  Besides us and Jessica we are joined by Karen, Judy, and Candy.  Jessica is rooming with Karen, a friend of Judy and Candy’s. 

Today is Diwali, the Hindu New Years and the group tour’s first festival.  We had a very light day today.  Tara picked up the group at the hotel about 1:00.  We all walked down the street to a restaurant that we ate at last time we were in Delhi.  

After tasting a variety of “Street Food” specialties we headed next door to pick up sweets to take to our Diwali hosts.

This evening we spent Diwali with a college friend of Tara’s and her family.  We first crawled through the streets in a too large van to get to the house.  Indian’s festoon their homes with many colored lights, making it look like a Christmas celebration.  We were greeted by our hosts who put a bindi (the little red dot) on our foreheads.

After welcomes we went into one room of the house that was set up for the celebration.  

The couple, helped by their son, conducted a Hindu Diwali festival thanking the various gods.  

We all participated in lighting 50 small votive candles and setting them out on the patio wall.

We all exchanged gifts and had a wonderful, home-cooked, traditional Indian Diwali feast.  

The evening ended with us setting off sparklers and St Catherine's wheels on the patio in front of their house... 


followed by larger fireworks in the middle of the street.
Tara's friends were wonderful hosts and everyone very much enjoyed our visit with them.

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