Sat, Oct 31: Dharamsala to Dalhousie

Today was another very long driving day.  

Lalit is a phenomenal driver but the roads are so rough that it is exhausting just trying to stay upright in one’s seat. 

One stretch of road has some very interesting geography 

We saw ladies doing laundry in a river.

And some men enthusiastically celebrating an upcoming wedding.

Again, the scenery is gorgeous but covered with much haze.  We have seen many monkeys along the route and lots of goats. 

And the hillsides were covered with lantanas growing wild (we have to pay for them at home).

We arrived in Dalhousie at dusk so were able to see some of the vistas.  Our hotel, the Grand View, overlooks the valley and the views are spectacular (and hazy).  The mountains in this area are extremely steep.  It is amazing that they can build houses along the mountains sides and that they can even get to those houses once built.  It is obvious that the only way to get to some of the homes is by foot trails.  Imagine how they must have had to hand carry everything into the build sites.

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