Mon, Oct 26: Shimla to Kullu

We had a very awkward start of the day.  The roads in Shimla can be extremely narrow and steep.  Our route started on a very narrow, steep road just across from the hotel.  We hadn’t gotten more the 50 yards down the hill when we met another car coming up.  There were no pull outs so Lalit tried to back up.

Unfortunately, it had rained the night before and the road surface was damp.  So he could only make it about 20 feet up the hill before the tires started spinning.  After a half dozen attempts about three men piled on the back bumper to help get better traction, and three more pushed from the front.  We eventually made it to the top, the string of a dozen or more cars cleared the road and we eventually were able to make it down the hill and out of town.

From Shimla we spent the entire day on the road, driving through some lovely mountainous areas...

and the beautiful valley of the Beas River.  

We stopped at a small village along the river and took a short walk out onto the footbridge.

Lunch was at a wide space in the road with vendors and our roadside restaurant.

During the lunch the TV announced breaking news of an earthquake in Delhi.  Tara immediately called her mother and apparently the damage wasn't too bad there.  However, we eventually discovered it was an 7.5 earthquake centered in Afghanistan, where there was major destruction. 

The rest of the drive was uneventful and we arrived at our very nice hotel in Kullu well after dark.

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